Seattle Public Schools

John Rogers

Neighborhood Updates

John Rogers Elementary School Construction Updates

November 2023

PDF Construction Update November 2023 Version

Work Completed This Month:

  • 55 geothermal wells drilled so far
  • Preparation of the site and building pad for wet weather

Work Continuing in November

  • Geothermal well drilling ongoing
  • Digging for foundation footings
  • Aggregate piers
  • Retaining wall installation
  • Laying geothermal piping
  • Utilities installation

Work Beginning in December

  • Rebar and anchor bolt installation
  • Below grade waterproofing
  • Below grade MEP installation
  • Concrete foundation formwork

General Safety Reminders

The site is currently utilizing security guards multiple nights per week, but please contact us if you notice any suspicious activity occurring on site.

We recognize that some of the work ongoing on site results in vibrations to the  site and adjacent properties. We have installed vibration monitoring services that are checked daily in order to ensure that we are staying within the allowable levels. To date, we have passed every daily sensor check since this work began. We ask for your continued patience as the vibrations will subside once the geothermal well drilling work is completed sometime early next year.

September 2023

PDF Construction Update September 2023 Version

Work Completed This Month:

  • 30 geothermal wells drilled so far (one quarter of the way complete drilling)

  • Soil import from ongoing Montlake & James Baldwin Elementary School projects

  • Demolition of existing building foundations

Work Continuing in October:

  • Geothermal well drilling ongoing

  • Soil import is ongoing from Montlake & James Baldwin ES

  • Excavation & grading of soils

Work Beginning in October:

  • Lateral trenching for geothermal wells

  • Retaining wall installation

General Safety Reminder:

Please be mindful when approaching the edge of the project site, especially near trucking entrances on NE 105th & NE 109th. There is heavy equipment on site, and we are receiving frequent deliveries. Please stay on the sidewalks for your own safety and our site workers’ safety.

The site is currently utilizing security guards at night, but please contact us if you notice any suspicious activity occurring on site.

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