
Title VI Indian Parent Committee Minutes & 授权信息

2023-11-09 IPAC Meeting Minutes

十大正规网赌软件 Native Education
Title Vl, Indian Parent Advisory Committee (IPAC)
Thursday, November 9, 2023

参加: Shana布朗, Clysta科尔, 妮娅Galindo, 特瑞纳诺丽果汁, 唐娜Hale-Wolcott, 希瑟·普里, 丹妮尔瓦兰蔻

  • Meeting started at 5:03pm
  • Motion to approve September 2023 minutes: Clysta
  • 第二:多娜
  • 运动:通过
  • The October minutes were unavailable for this meeting. Clysta asked Lisa to email them to the IPAC for approval. Trina will contact Lisa. Shana will post when the minutes are approved.



Native American Heritage Month – professional development, there is a video and a pdf with many links available to staff. Shana hasn’t heard feedback yet but likes the ease of the pdf for staff. Gail purchased a 2’x3’ banner that is displayed at John Standford Center, we have also taken over the main display case it has photos of the tribal chairs from our treaty tribes, a Huchoosedah hand drum that we gift our graduates, 四人帮 book opened to the Bernie White Bear page, the book 资源文件格式球 and will be adding more books next week. We also have a large display on the 3rd 建筑物的楼层.

There have been many requests from schools and staff for more information for Native American Heritage month. The IPAC members in attendance noted that their kids aren’t reporting anything really happening at their schools. Heather’s child’s school has asked her to come teach songs in Sm’algyax (Tsimshian). Tonia reports that 惠特曼 is supposed to have an assembly. Trina reports that Broadview Thomson will have Victoria Hilderbrant’s sister coming in for a story although unsure which grades she will be meeting with, and they have put up a display in the main hallway. Danielle reported that 洛厄尔 needs some work and has only the display that she is doing on her own time. 经过一番讨论, the IPAC agreed that we need to write a letter to Brent Jones (Superintendent) and the School Board asking them to implement Native American Heritage Month at all of the schools. Heather volunteered to pen the letter and will email the IPAC no later than 11/15 for approval and to add their signatures.

Culture Nights – The 1st culture night was a big success. 出席人数很多. There was lots of good food. The kids did a beading activity with Shana, they made “Pumpkin Buddies”, they also had the opportunity to make a trick or treat bag and to color Halloween ornaments. There were treat bags and other goodies for the kids.

Our next culture night is 11/16 there will be Salve making with – Victoria Plumage, Victoria Hilderbrant’s sister will tell a story about Alaska, and Mishella might join us as well.

Holiday Supper Celebration – Will be 12/14 at 小气鬼 中学 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.  The Holiday Planning Committee is Trina, Lisa and Donna. Olivia Ford will be catering, we will be picking up Toys for Tots on 12/11, Seattle Public Library will be there gifting books, we will have a raffle for the kids broken into 小学 and Secondary. We have a few items for the raffle already, Trina asked if anyone present would like to donate an item or if they work somewhere or have a connection within the community that would donate and item. Tonia offered to make a necklace and Heather offered to donate an item that Trina will pick up.

Meeting ended at 5:45pm

Next meeting is on December , 2023

We encourage all parents and guardians of 十大正规网赌软件 Native American and Alaskan Native Students to attend. The role of the Title Vl Native Education Parent Advisory Committee is to consult with and advise the Seattle School District on the development and operation of the Title Vl Program, assist in the development and approval of the Title Vl grant, and to help organize and conduct community cultural events, it’s important to know that the PAC helps to organize events and raise funds as well.  By serving on the PAC parents and guardians of Native American/Alaskan Native Students in 十大正规网赌软件 can help decide the program goals and activities.

查询详情请联系 盖尔·莫里斯 gtmorris@chicksthatlift.net  206-252-0948