




The existing school building has been replaced with a new school building with a new name on the same site.

詹姆斯鲍德温小学 opened for students on September 6, 2023.


Seattle Public Utilities will be working on a Natural Drainage System (NDS) along NW 120th Street and NW 117th Street around 詹姆斯·鲍德温 小学.

If you have questions regarding this work, please contact Seattle Public Utilities. 更多信息可在 城市的网站.


A ribbon-cutting ceremony marked the opening of the new school on Aug. 31, 2023. 读故事.


戴羽毛头饰的人, 串珠袖口, and a necklace with teeth holds a large pink shell in front of their face
a man stands at a podium with a light colored brick building in the background
一群人正低头看着一条红丝带. 一个人有一把大剪刀. 其他人用的是普通大小的剪刀. 所有的剪刀刀片之间都有缎带
a white brick building has a one story section to the left and a two story section to the right. 这座建筑有橙色的镶边. 前景是一片弯曲的草地
A group of people face one direction with scissors in their hands and pieces of red ribbon
一位女士站在讲台上,手里拿着麦克风. a light colored brick wall and a window with an orange frame are behind her
一位女士站在讲台上,戴着麦克风. a light colored brick wall and a window with an orange frame are behind her
Dr. Dedy Fauntleroy, former principal of Northgate 小学 School
a white brick building has a one story section to the left and a two story section to the right. 这座建筑有橙色的镶边. 前面是一个圆形广场,四周环绕着草地




  • 继续玩院子里的交通花园条纹.
  • Completed installation of play structures in lower play yard, with PreK play equipment scheduled for installation the week of mid-winter break.


  • 完成PreK游戏结构安装.
  • 完成调试.
  • 完成游戏庭院交通花园剥离.


Northgate 小学 School students signed one of the beams for the new school – Dec. 2021
Beam signed by students early in construction now located in stairway – Feb. 2023
教室内安装滑动门- 1月. 2023
tubular ceiling lights hang from a high ceiling with a stairway below them
入口灯已安装- 2月. 2023
a stairway with a landing in the middle that makes a right angle turn
西楼梯视野- 2月. 2023
a classrom wall section has a nook below cabinets that includes two facing benches with a ledge between them. 旁边是一扇窗户下面的开放式架子. 这两个区域都以明亮的绿色为主调
艺术教室舒适的角落和架子- 2023年3月
tube shaped light fixtures hang from a high ceiling in a two story space with a stairway
照明安装- 2023年4月
looking down into a large space with a stairway for walking, a stairway for sitting, and a slide
在公共场所学习楼梯和滑梯- 2023年4月
图书馆小组学习区- 2023年4月
a curved wall with windows has bookshelves below the windows
图书馆个案- 2023年4月
part of a two story building with a canopy that has wood edge and windows. 大楼上的牌子上写着詹姆斯·鲍德温小学
an interior stair leads up from a concrete floor past a group of windows. 楼梯旁边有一个滑梯
Stair in the commons toward the entry to the space – May 2023
带有接待台的室内空间. 后面的墙上写着詹姆斯·鲍德温小学
欢迎接待区- 2023年6月
从楼梯中间的平台上看. you can see part of the second floor with a curved glass wall and part of the lower floor.
主入口附近的中央聚集区- 2023年6月
aerial photo of a large building with a road at the top and trees along the road
鸟瞰图- 2023年8月
indoor space with a slated ceiling, a table, stools, and a counter and sink. 它被一堵墙与大厅隔开
走廊的一部分,门用瓷砖从小路向后放置. 水槽挂在一端的墙上
学生洗手间和洗手- 2023年6月
a room with two refrigerators, cabinetry, a stove, two microwaves, and some tables and chairs
完工的员工休息室- 2023年6月
part of a hallway with wood benches on one side by the windows and a curved nook on the other side
中央走廊- 2023年6月
looking toward a stairway leading up in front of windows with a wooden platform underneath
通往二楼的楼梯- 2023年6月
a classroom has groups of tables with chairs, bookcases, whiteboards, lighting and ceiling fans
配备家具的教室- 2023年6月
a small room with a video screen, windows on one wall, a half circle table and five stools
装有家具的小团体空间- 2023年6月
室外,望向有楼梯的低矮建筑, 具体走, 还有前面的建筑材料
Demolition of old Northgate 小学 School building to begin in July – June 2023
looking up a walkway toward a one and two story building with a covered entry and window frames that are orange and green
Front entry of new 詹姆斯鲍德温小学 – August 2023
a parking lot next to a one story building with an orange window frame
新员工停车场- 2023年8月
Demolition of the old Northgate 小学 building – July 2023
aerial view of a large building with a white roof with a construction area behind it. 背景中可以看到高速公路
Aerial view of new building with old building demolition complete – August 2023
Old school has been demolished and work has begun on the outdoor play areas – August 2023
Completed school building with play area and play field in progress – Sept. 2023
aerial view of a large building and paved areas with some construction work taking place in the lower portion
向北鸟瞰图- 10月. 2023
aerial view of a large building with a dirt field to the left and parking lots in front
左面为未来田野的学校景观- 11月. 2023
安装游戏结构- 11月. 2023
交通花园条纹- 12月. 2023
场地草皮安装- 12月. 2023


The new two-story elementary school building will provide the spaces and resources that students need for academic success. 大约95,000 square foot school will meet the district’s elementary educational specifications and provide space for up to 650 students. A collaborative process resulted in a building designed to fit into the neighborhood. It will provide outdoor learning, play, and recreation areas.

这所新学校旨在提供公平的教育, 安全, and inspiring learning environment for the entire school community. Learning clusters will have classrooms surrounding learning commons.


符合SPS的清洁能源目标, operation of the new school will not require any fossil fuels. 除了, 屋顶的设计是为了容纳太阳能电池板, which could offset 80% of the building’s energy use in the future.


  • 地热供暖系统
  • Highly efficient ventilation that recovers heat before air leaves the school
  • 节能LED照明
  • 高度隔热的墙壁和屋顶
  • 高性能玻璃纤维窗户


  • 雨水管理与雨水花园
  • 本地抗旱植物
  • 屏蔽现场照明,减少光污染
  • 拆迁和建筑碎片分类和回收

预计能源使用指数: 17.3

设计公司: 南京汽车架构

总承包商/施工管理: 此施工

项目预算: $90.3M

资金来源: Funded by the Building Excellence V (BEX V) Capital Levy, approved by Seattle voters in 2019.

学校设计顾问小组: 了解学校设计顾问团队(SDAT)的流程  阅读会议记录.



项目经理: 阿曼达Fulford) asfulford1@chicksthatlift.net, 206-252-0697


11725 1st Ave NE



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