Seattle Public Schools

Programs and Career Pathways

Business and Marketing Pathway

Is this the right pathway for me?

  • Do you enjoy identifying and solving problems? 
  • 你对为什么人们买一些东西而不买另一些(消费者行为)感兴趣吗?? 
  • Do you have good communication and interpersonal skills? 

What is the Business and Marketing Pathway?

商业和市场营销途径旨在向学生介绍商业世界,为他们未来的商业职业生涯做好准备. Through a series of courses, students learn essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork. 该课程结合了创建营销活动和管理模拟企业等实践经验, providing a hands-on understanding of how businesses operate. Opportunities for internships, guest speakers, 此外,参观行业也会带来丰富而令人兴奋的学习经历.  

What sort of work would I do?

Three students in suits at DECA Business and Marketing Competition

商业和市场营销人员做许多不同的工作来帮助公司成功. 有些人专注于广告和销售产品,如营销专家和销售代表. 其他人,比如商业分析师,通过查看数据来做出明智的决策. 企业家经营自己的企业,而公关专家管理公司的形象. Brand managers keep everything consistent, social media managers boost online presence, and event planners organize special occasions. 所有这些工作共同作用,确保公司成长,并通过创造性做得更好, thinking strategically, and communicating effectively.

Leads to these Careers

  • Marketing Specialist
  • Sales Representative
  • Business Analyst
  • Entrepreneur
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Advertising Executive
  • Marketing Research Analyst
  • Brand Manager
  • Social Media Manager
  • Retail Manager
  • Event Planner
  • Digital Marketing Specialist
  • Content Marketing Manager
  • Product Manager
  • Customer Relationship Manager

In-Demand Occupations

Typical Education Required Career Title Average Annual Salary Job Outlook in WA State (2020-2030) 
High School Business Operations Specialists $100,131 20% increase 
Associate Degree (or Certificate) Tax Preparer $94,388 18% increase 
Bachelor’s Degree Advertising and Promotion Manager $92,708 17% increase 
Master’s Degree Data Scientist $128,369 36% increase 
Check Career One Stop, Bureau of Labor Statistics for update career prospects

What Courses can I take now?


In this course sequence, 学生将从了解与独资经营的服务企业相关的复式会计系统的基本要素和概念开始培养技能. Skills include understanding of the accounting equation, analyzing business transactions, entering transactions in journals, posting to ledgers, cash control systems, worksheets, and financial statements, and preparing closing entries. 

Course numbers: HCT7131, HCT7132, HCT7133 

Credentials: Dual College Credit 

AP宏观经济学是一门大学水平的课程,旨在为学生提供对经济学原理的理解,以及这些原理如何在整个经济系统中运作. 该课程将整合政府在促进经济效率和公平方面的作用. 

Course numbers: HCT2528 & HCT2529, CSC2528 & CSC2529

Credentials: Advanced Placement Exam 

本课程学习适用于商业环境和交易的法律原则和实践. 所涵盖的主题对所有公民都很重要,而不仅仅是商人. 合同法是商法的基础,包括雇佣合同, sales, property, insurance, negotiable instruments, bailments, and marriage. 学生们不只是阅读法律,而是分析法律案例,并将法律应用于决策. They study the organization and functions of the courts, participate in mock trials, and take field trips to the Superior and Municipal Courts.

Course numbers: HCT4265 & HCT4266; CSS4265 & CSS4266

本课程提供了适用于商业各个方面的核心内容,并涵盖了管理理论的实际应用. 向学生介绍现代企业的基本管理功能,包括计划, organizing, leading, and controlling from multiple perspectives. 本课程将技术和沟通作为商业工具,并采用以技能为基础的方法.  

Course numbers: HCT4295, HCT4296 

Credentials: Dual College Credit 

Through this course sequence, students increase their knowledge of computers as tools in business, as well as increase their keyboarding and touch-typing skills. Through projects in word processing, spreadsheet applications, database, presentation software, web design, internet research, 以及基本的硬件组件,学生将对计算机技术的能力和影响有一个全面的了解. 

Course numbers: HCT0577 & HCT0578

创业课程使学生熟悉拥有和经营自己的企业所必需的知识和技能. Topics from several fields form the course content: economics, marketing principles, human relations and psychology, business and labor law, legal rights and responsibilities of ownership, business and financial planning, finance and accounting, and communication.  

Course numbers: HCT2291, HCT2292 

金融代数结合了实际商业和个人理财应用的代数和图形方法. 学生在金融背景下探索代数思维模式和功能. 这门以代数为基础的课程以银行业中发现的真实代数概念为特色, credit, income taxes, insurance, and household budgeting. 

Course numbers: HCT5701 & HCT5702; CMA5701 & CMA5702  

本课程旨在培养对商业理论的理解, as well as an ability to apply business principles, practices and skills. 分析工具和技术的应用促进了对复杂商业活动的理解. 该课程考虑了商业组织和活动的多样性,以及商业运作的文化和经济背景. 重点放在战略决策和营销的日常业务功能, production, human resource management and finance. 

Course numbers: HCT5603, HCT5604 

IB设计技术是一门为期一年的课程,学生将学习如何生成和执行复杂产品的设计, global environment. Students will need a basic knowledge of computer design skills, so Intro to Media Arts, Graphic Design, Photo, or Video Production are suggested prerequisites for this course. 

Course numbers: HCT2545, HCT2546 

This course focuses on the general study of business, including the processes of interchanging goods and services (buying, selling and producing), business organization, 会计被用于营利和非营利性的公共和私人机构和机构. Topics of study include: world trade, stock market, housing, banks, finance, ethics, management and global business. 

Course number: HCT6146 

During this course sequence, 学生理解与市场营销相关的入门到复杂的概念. 学生可能有机会参加和竞争DECA的比赛和活动. Topics covered may include: introduction to business, marketing and economic concepts, human relations, how to get and keep a job, career development, selling and promotion.

Course numbers: HCT5077, HCT5078, HCT5079, HCT5080 

Credentials: Dual College Credit 

本课程介绍了当代组织中的项目管理. It includes the an overview of the characteristics and attributes of successful project managers; and the challenges of managing projects in a multicultural, global environment.   

Course numbers: HCT4361 & HCT4362 

社交媒体营销和广告使学生沉浸在专注于使用社交媒体营销平台的体验式学习中, metrics, and methods. 学生将学习如何细分在线市场,以瞄准目标消费者并达到可衡量的目标. 学生将在营销活动中进行创造性和协作性的工作, ads, and videos using Adobe Creative Suite.  

Course number: HCT2524 

Clubs and Activities at SPS

Interested in learning more about business and marketing? SPS学生有机会加深和扩大他们的知识与他们的同龄人通过 DECA. DECA hosts competitive events, provides leadership opportunities, and helps students prepare for career and college. Find a chapter at your school here

What training do I need after high school?


North Seattle College (Certificates and Associate’s Degrees): 

  • Accounting  
  • Marketing Certificate 
  • Project Management Certificate  
  • Associate degree in general business 

Central Washington University (Bachelor’s Degrees) 

  • Accounting  
  • 企业管理(具有业务分析和金融专业化选项) 
  • Economics & Business forecasting specialization  
  • Entrepreneurship 
  • Hospitality, Tourism and event management  
  • Marketing  

University of Washington –Foster School of Business (Bachelor’s Degrees)

Various business related bachelors degree to include: 

  • Accounting  
  • Entrepreneurship 
  • Finance 
  • Human resources 
  • Marketing 
  • Operations and supply chain 

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