Seattle Public Schools

Prevention and Intervention

Opioids and Overdose Prevention

Overdose Prevention

Background Information & Current Trends

Opioids are a class of drugs naturally found in the opium poppy plant. 许多处方阿片类药物用于阻断大脑和身体之间的疼痛信号,通常用于治疗中度至重度疼痛. In addition to controlling pain, opioids can make some people feel relaxed, happy or “high,” and can be addictive. Additional side effects can include slowed breathing, constipation, nausea, confusion, and drowsiness.
这些止痛药是强效药物,其化学成分与海洛因非常相似, and habit-forming by their very nature. Anyone who takes prescription opioids can become addicted to them. 在初级保健机构接受长期阿片类药物治疗的患者中,多达四分之一的患者与阿片类药物成瘾作斗争. Once addicted, it can be hard to stop.

青少年上瘾的风险尤其令人担忧,因为他们的大脑仍在发育. Because their internal reward systems are still being developed, 青少年在使用药物后恢复正常的能力可能会受到药物对大脑的影响, making teens more vulnerable than adults to developing an addiction.

芬太尼是一种强效的合成阿片类药物,比其他阿片类药物强约100倍. 芬太尼经常被添加到非法街头毒品中,如假药和白色粉末. 芬太尼和其他阿片类药物通过减缓呼吸导致过量,最终可能导致死亡.

There has been an increase in overdose deaths in King County, driven largely by fentanyl found in illicit pills and powders. These deaths are occurring more frequently among people 18 or younger.  All people should:

  • Beware of counterfeit pills that may look like prescription drugs. They likely contain fentanyl.
  • 只服用你直接从药房或处方医生那里得到的药片.
  • Know that pills purchased online are not safe.

According to the U.S. Department of Health & 公共服务部门、青少年和年轻人是处方止痛药的最大滥用者. Young people may misuse prescription opioids for many reasons, including curiosity, peer pressure, and wanting to fit in. 青少年和年轻人可能决定服用处方阿片类药物的另一个原因是,它们比其他药物更容易获得. 研究表明,在12岁及以上的人群中,有53%的人从朋友或亲戚那里获得非医疗用途的处方止痛药.

疾病预防控制中心报告称,高中毕业前服用阿片类药物的人在毕业后滥用处方阿片类药物的可能性要高33%. 此外,拔除智齿后服用阿片类药物也会增加长期使用的几率.

An opioid overdose happens when someone has taken too much of an opioid. 芬太尼等合成阿片类药物由于其效力特别危险,可以添加到非法街头毒品中. 患者可能会出现不危及生命的症状,如恶心、呕吐或嗜睡. A person may also experience life-threatening effects that may lead to death, including infrequent or absent breathing, slowed or irregular heartbeat, no response to stimuli, and severe allergic reaction.
Risk factors for an opioid overdose include:

  • Mixing opioids with other substances including benzodiazepines or alcohol
  • Using after a break in use due to decreased tolerance
  • Taking too many opioids
  • Other health conditions
  • Previous overdose
  • Using opioids not from a pharmacy because the strength is unknown
  • 单独使用(增加因过量使用而死亡的风险)那些过量使用的人很少会突然呼吸停止. 在呼吸完全停止和死亡发生之前,通常有足够的时间进行干预.

在过去十年中,普通人群中的过量死亡人数一直在上升. But until now, young people were largely insulated from any increase. There has been a new jump in overdose deaths among youths, 目前,14-18岁年龄段的相对增幅是所有年龄段中最高的. In King County, 最近过量死亡人数的增加主要是由非法药丸和粉末中发现的芬太尼引起的.

Naloxone is a non-addictive, 一种救命的药物,如果及时给药,可以逆转阿片类药物过量的影响. Narcan is the brand name of the most commonly used naloxone nasal spray. 如果一个人的呼吸因阿片类药物过量而减慢或停止,纳洛酮可以迅速恢复正常呼吸. 服用纳洛酮没有负面影响,即使患者没有过量服用阿片类药物.  Naloxone is safe on pregnant people and children. 

Naloxone works to reverse opioid overdose in the body for only 30 to 90 minutes. But many opioids remain in the body longer than that. Because of this, 在纳洛酮的剂量逐渐消失后,一个人仍然有可能经历过量服用的影响. Also, some opioids are stronger and might require multiple doses of naloxone. Therefore, 最重要的步骤之一是拨打911,这样个人就可以立即得到医疗照顾. 

Per RCW 69.41.095, any person or “entity” (e.g.(警察局、无家可归者收容所)可以获得、拥有和使用纳洛酮. It also permits naloxone distribution under a prescriber’s standing order. Find naloxone near you.

如果您有兴趣了解更多关于如何使用纳洛酮应对阿片类药物过量的信息, please visit University of Washington’s Stop Overdose.

69.50.315 gives specific protections against drug possession charges:

  • If you seek medical assistance in a drug-related overdose, you cannot be prosecuted for drug possession.
  • The overdose victim is also protected from drug possession charges.
  • Anyone in WA State is allowed to carry and administer naloxone (RCW 69.41.095).

However, 在学校财产中拥有非法毒品和/或管制物质的学生可能会受到纠正措施.

Prevention Strategies for Parents/Guardians

开始和你的孩子谈论处方阿片类药物滥用的风险永远不会太晚. 随着孩子年龄的增长,他们会自己做更多的决定,面对更大的诱惑和来自同龄人的压力. Though it may not seem like it, children really do hear your concerns. It’s important you help them understand what prescription opioids are, why they shouldn’t misuse them. Read more about how to talk to your teen about opioids here:

SAMHSA Talking to Your Teen About Opioids

Youth Discussion Guide: Talking to Teens About Fentanyl

Don’t hang on to meds, dispose excess meds at “takeback” events. Or, 作为一种没有回收机会的替代品——将药物与咖啡渣或其他令人不快的垃圾混合,然后扔掉. 免费邮寄过期或不需要的药物,或将它们放在参与的售货亭, more info here: Safe Medication Return Program

Store your medication in a safe place. 你可以在这里阅读更多关于通过减少在家中接触药物来预防意外和故意使用药物的内容: SPS Safe Storage of Substances Campaign

  • 如果您的孩子被推荐使用阿片类药物,请与您的医生讨论以下事项:
    • Is a prescription opioid necessary to treat my child’s pain? For chronic pain, can we explore alternative treatments such as physical therapy, acupuncture, biofeedback or massage?
    • How many pills are being prescribed, and over how long a period?  Is it necessary to prescribe this quantity of pills?
    • 在开这种药物之前,我的孩子是否应该进行筛查以确定他们的物质使用障碍(SUD)风险?  If not, why not?
    • What are the risks of misuse?  
  • Supervise the dispensing of the medication, counting the pills in the bottle to be sure they are being taken as prescribed. 清楚地记录下处方是什么时候开的,什么时候需要补药,并对任何遗漏的药物保持怀疑.
  • 与您的孩子沟通滥用的风险,并非常清楚,药物不能与他人分享.
  • Communicate regularly with your child about the level of pain they are feeling, 确保疼痛随着时间的推移而减轻,并对孩子越来越依赖药物的任何迹象保持警惕.

If you are concerned about your child’s substance use, there are agencies within Seattle and King County that can help. You can find those agencies here: Behavioral Health Agencies

Seattle Public Schools Overdose Prevention Strategies

Students receive mandatory drug prevention education, including information on opioids and overdose, in grades 7 and 9. High schools also administer health promotion campaigns like One Pill Can Kill, and Laced & Lethal.

Multiple live in-person trainings have been provided to key staff, such as nurses and security, so they are able to recognize an overdose and provide appropriate response. Additionally, 所有学校员工都必须每年完成在线阿片类药物过量反应培训. All school sites are stocked with doses of the overdose reversal drug Narcan.

SPS Board Policy No. 3424 认识到类阿片流行病是一场公共卫生危机,获得与类阿片有关的过量逆转药物可以挽救生命. Superintendent Procedure 3424SP Opioid-Related Overdose Response provides guidance to administrators on how to implement this policy.
