Seattle Public Schools

Family Involvement and Resources

Parent Leadership

Parent Leadership in Special Education

Special Education PTSA

该组织根据华盛顿州PTA章程提供组织和宣传. 这表示他们有独立于地区之外的发言权、社员资格和通讯.

  • 学区和特殊教育教师联谊会董事会全年定期安排参与点.
  • The board is nominated and elected by the Seattle SpEd PTSA Membership.
  • To get involved, contact Seattle Special Education PTSA.

Special Education Advisory and Advocacy Council Members (SEAAC)

  • 这个小组合作解决影响特殊教育的系统性问题.
  • The SpEd Department hosts and plans between five to ten meetings per year.
  • SEAAC members apply and are selected by the district; members serve as volunteers.

这个志愿者委员会成立于2006年,就特殊教育问题向十大正规网赌软件的领导和员工提供建议. The committee of up to 30 members will be comprised of students, parents/guardians/family members, community leaders, community based organization representatives and Seattle Public Schools staff.

Charge of the Special Education Advisory and Advocacy Council

Description and Charge, January 2006

I. Charge

十大正规网赌软件督学将建立一个特殊教育咨询和倡导委员会,并寻求任命致力于改善教育项目的成员, 为残疾儿童和需要专门教育服务的儿童制定的政策和程序.


十大正规网赌软件致力于为所有孩子提供高质量的教育. 我们致力于提供一个激励和支持我们所有学生的学习环境. 我们知道,家长和支持性社区机构的有意义参与是达到这种卓越水平的一个非常重要的部分, especially for our children with disabilities. 家长的意见可以在计划决策和活动之前、期间和之后收集.

特殊教育咨询和倡导委员会为支持残疾儿童的家长社区和机构提供了一个地区认可的论坛. 特殊教育咨询和倡导委员会的主要职责是向十大正规网赌软件提供家长和社区机构对特殊教育项目的看法,包括当前的运营和管理, policies, proposed changes, future plans, and goals. 特殊教育咨询和倡导委员会将在每年的报告中提出建议和意见, and more often as requested, to the Director of Student Services. 年度报告将包括对理事会所有项目和活动的审查, and all recommendations of the council.


A. Number

理事会将由督学或其指定人员任命的最多二十名成员组成. 至少三分之二的成员将是目前就读于十大正规网赌软件特殊教育项目的残疾儿童的父母. The balance of the council will include staff representatives, agency personnel, civic groups, 对残疾儿童教育有兴趣的学院或大学工作人员和/或其他团体的成员.

B. Qualifications and Selection Criteria

Parent/family members
家长/家庭成员将有一名学生目前就读于十大正规网赌软件. Preference shall be given to individuals who reside within the District.

Staff Representatives
Staff Representatives may include, but not be limited to, certificated teachers, building administrators, instructional assistants and central office staff/administrators.

Community Organization Representatives
Community representatives may hold positions in educational, 对特殊教育有兴趣和知识的政府或非营利组织/协会. 组织的代表由组织的执行董事或者高级管理人员提名.

委员会成员的任命将使该小组在种族方面代表十大正规网赌软件的不同人口, language, race, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, type of family (single-parent, foster care/kinship), geographic location within the city, and school level (pK-12).

C. Selection Process

  1. Nominations due by ___________ on ____________
  2. Nominations reviewed by Review committee: Between _________ and _______. 检讨委员会的成员将由助理教与学监委任,成员可能包括:
    • Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning
    • Director of Special Education Services
    • Special Education Supervisor
    • University Representative
    • Consulting Teacher
    • Parent Representative
    • Special Education Ombudspersonc.Review committee recommends appointees and alternates to Superintendent
      d.Invited appointees notified by letter by _____________
      e.Invited Appointees accept or decline a seat on the council
      f.Remaining seats will be filled by alternates
      g.Membership will be posted on the District website


D. Manner of notification Notice of Nomination Process
地区应向合理有兴趣加入特殊教育咨询及倡导委员会的个人及组织发出公告. Notice shall include the following activities:

  1. District Website
  2. 直接以书面通知可能有兴趣参与的活跃社区组织
  3. 直接以书面通知所有学校的家长学生教师协会
  4. Direct written notice to all parents of students with disabilities
  5. Email to all staff, 发给主要沟通者的电子邮件(员工的电子邮件将包括一份说明,要求教职员工提名对十大正规网赌软件特殊教育服务表示普遍关注的家长, 强调那些在历史上没有积极参与地区决策过程的人. 这包括不同性别、民族、种族、年龄和地理位置的父母/家庭.)
  6. News release to all news outlets, including g community and ethnic newspapers
  7. Postings in neighborhood centers
  8. Postings in public clinics and housing
  9. Posting at Public Libraries and community centers

E. Discussion of Consideration and Efforts

校董会将根据校董会政策f08选任委员.00 and the accompanying Procedure F 08.01.

F. Duration of Committee and Terms of Office

  1. 除院长另行解散外,谘询委员会设立为常设委员会.
  2. Term of Office is set at one calendar year (September 1 – August 31).


A. Staffing

  1. 特殊教育谘询及倡导委员会将完全依靠其成员和志愿者的工作来运作
  2. 学区资源可由助理教与学总监酌情用于以下活动

B. Orientation

  1. 新任命的理事会将举行一次情况介绍会,开始工作, and annually thereafter for all new council members.

C. Responsibilities

  1. 理事会成员应参加每月例会(日期和时间待定)和初步的入职培训.
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