Seattle Public Schools

Special Education

Services and Accommodations

Special Education Services and Accommodations

What are special education services?

Special education services are the supports, settings, and instruction provided to an individual student, 补充通识教育课程和设置. 每个学生的服务范围和设计是由他们的评估驱动的.

What services will your student receive?

服务是基于每个符合条件的学生的独特教育需求. 每个接受特殊教育服务的学生都有一个IEP(个性化教育计划),它定义了学生接受的服务.

IEP (Individualized Education Program) IEP的格式是标准化的,但细节是针对每个学生的. Each student’s IEP is developed by their IEP team. Services must align with the student’s established needs.

Placement and Primary Service Types Placement is informed by the IEP and defines the setting, intensity, and instructional content of each student’s services. Within Seattle Public Schools, each IEP team selects a SPS Primary Service type based on placement decisions. 这种选择将决定西雅图公立十大正规网赌软件提供的某些方面.

Where will your student receive services?

Assignment and Service Locations – A student’s assignment is the location where they attend school. 学区在考虑学生的安置和服务后决定分配. When possible and appropriate, 接受特殊教育服务的学生将在他们的社区学校接受服务. 由于服务的复杂性,一些学生可能会修改作业.

How will your student change or maintain services?

Changing Schools and Rising -随着学生在学业上的进步,他们可能至少会换一次学校. Why might a student change schools? 你的学生有哪些选择?特殊教育服务对他们有哪些影响?

Maintaining and Revising Services – Change and growth are expected. Learn about what that means for your student’s services. Yearly IEP reviews and other types of changes.

Exiting Services – Details about exiting from special education services. Graduation, aging out, and summary of performance (SoP).

Related Topics and Services -与特殊教育有关的主题和服务索引.

Continuum Approach

根据华盛顿州行政法规(WAC)的规定,对所有学区实行连续的替代性安置的概念是普遍适用的。. The Continuum Approach 十大正规网赌软件的K-12学生是否有专门的服务提供结构. 它结合了灵活的交付方法和严格的交付结构, 允许可预见性和质量与个性化编程同时进行.

Flexible delivery approach

我们灵活的方法源于团队合作. 通过在连续学校集中提供密集服务,他们可以分享技能, 只有基于团队的交付才能提供的资源和机会. Rarely are a student?S需要完美地适应一个教学专业,学生需要灵活和随时间变化. 提供密集服务的学校必须能够将灵活性作为一种常态. 这种以团队为基础的方法创造了多样化的教学和支持生态系统,可以随着他们所服务的学生而成长和改变.

Rigorous delivery structure

我们严谨的结构源于案例管理人员深思熟虑的专业化以及地理上的均匀性, 每个专业在整个地区的可预测分布. 连续体方法提供了五种主要服务类型, a term specific to Seattle Public Schools. 这些明确的专业为学生的学校作业和教师的专业发展创造了可预测的途径/选择.

Students not attending Seattle Public Schools

Students Not Attending Seattle Public Schools – For students entering the district with an IEP, students attending private school or home school, and students who are dually-enrolled.

Entering Seattle Public Schools with an IEP

任何年龄的学生进入该地区的个人教育计划(IEP)必须在该地区注册,然后才能接受服务. 这包括从不同学区转到十大正规网赌软件的现有iep学生, or students transitioning from preschool.

Enroll your student through the Admissions Department. 一定要告诉十大正规网赌软件办,你的学生已经有了IEP. 如果可能的话,带一份学生最近的IEP和评估的复印件给十大正规网赌软件办.

Out of District Placement Process

一旦有先前存在的IEP的学生被录取, the out of district placement process begins. This process includes:

  • reviewing the student’s existing evaluation and IEP
  • 将现有材料转发给学生指定的学校
  • considering if the student should be reevaluated

If a reevaluation is recommended, 在新的经济发展规划到位之前,现有的经济发展规划将指导所提供的服务.

Private Schools, Homeschools, and Contracted Placement

不参加SPS的学生包括在家上学的学生, 由父母自愿入读私立学校的学生, and students in contracted placements.

Regardless of their daily school setting, 所有被指定接受服务的学生必须有一份准确反映他们的评估和资格领域的IEP或服务计划. 然而,为没有参加SPS的学生提供的服务可能会有所不同.

Approved Private Schools (Washington State Board of Education)

Students voluntarily attending approved private schools have two service delivery options: a service plan or part-time enrollment . 服务交付取决于所选择的选项. 在家上学或在未经批准的私立学校上学的学生只能通过兼职注册获得服务.

Service Plan (SP)

A service plan is an alternative to an IEP. 它适用于选择父母安置的私立学校学生,他们:

  • enrolled in approved, non-profit private schools
  • eligible for special education
  • 没有在本区注册接受校本服务或IEP服务

Part-time Enrollment

所有私立学校和家庭学校的学生都可以选择在他们居住的地区注册兼职,通过IEP接受特殊教育服务. 如果学生就读于西雅图学区内的学校,但居住在学区外, 特殊教育服务的非全日制注册是不允许的. This was previously called dual enrollment.

合同实习是十大正规网赌软件连续的替代实习的一部分. In these settings, 所有服务将根据学生的IEP提供, that institution’s policy and practice, andWashington State Law.

最初的推荐和评估过程对学生来说是一样的, whether they attend Seattle Public Schools or not. 如果学生没有在十大正规网赌软件注册,则不会自动进行重新评估.只有在家长/监护人要求重新评估的情况下,才会对这些学生进行重新评估.

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