



审批需要两周时间. 志愿者 applications must be completed at least two (2) weeks before the expected volunteer service start date. 详情见下文.

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感谢你有兴趣在十大正规网赌软件做志愿者! 志愿者的机会因学校而异. We recommend that you complete the following application process after receiving confirmation from a school staff member about your volunteer role. 无论你是否为人父母, 家庭成员, 或者是社区成员, the following resources will help you prepare to volunteer with our students.

卫生服务系统为5万名弱势儿童和青少年提供服务. We are committed to carefully screening volunteer c和idates to ensure student safety as required by law, SPS政策, 和华盛顿学校风险保险池(我们的保险提供商).

If you do not have access to a computer or internet at home, please see the 我们的常见问题页面的“在线申请”部分.

返回的志愿者? 通过志愿者门户更新

如果您自2018年9月以来一直是SPS的志愿者, 我们可能已经为你准备好了志愿者申请. 请不要创建新的志愿者申请! 请访问我们的更新或更新志愿者页面 有关详细信息,.


At SPS, the volunteer application process varies depending on the setting 和 area of service:

A类志愿者:  All school 和 remote volunteer roles that support the school, staff, or students. This volunteer role can include direct student contact if the volunteer is supervised. District personnel must be on-site 和 within view if the volunteer will interact with students. 另外, another approved adult volunteer must participate in the activity 和 always be present. 标准的志愿者入职流程适用于A类志愿者. 

例子:课堂或图书馆协助, 实地考察计划, 办公室或课间支持, 学校通讯编辑. 

乙类志愿者:  All school 和 remote volunteer roles that involve contact with students without staff or other approved A类 volunteers present. B类志愿者需要额外的筛选. 如果SPS工作人员特别要求,请只申请B类.

例子:数学俱乐部教练, 一对一辅导(包括远程/虚拟), 导师, 陪同超过三天的实地考察.  

实地考察陪同及司机: Only approved A类 or B volunteers can be recruited to serve in chaperone or driver roles.

Additional steps (chaperones) 和 screening (drivers) are required – check with the field trip organizer 和/or review the 实地考察程序页.

Athletic volunteers who work with student-athletes apply directly to the 体育运动 Department. 请不要继续下面列出的步骤-申请通过 SPS就业门户网站.

体育项目包括棒球, 篮球, 打保龄球, 越野, 足球, 高尔夫球, 体操, 缓慢的球场, 足球, 垒球/快节, 游泳, 网球, Track, Track & 田径,极限飞盘(仅限于中学),排球,摔跤.

所有其他体育教练 are onboarded by the school as B类 school volunteers with extra requirements (CPR & 急救,脑震荡和心脏骤停课程).

花园义工和自助计划义工 不完成此义工申请程序. 相反,请查看说明从 自助项目.

检查 义工手册 有关义工类别及申请类型的详情.


原因如下, volunteers must update their applications at least two (2) weeks before the expected volunteer service start date:

  • SPS每年收到多达15,000名志愿者的申请和续期. 每个志愿者的批准都需要你的学校采取行动 志愿者项目联络 (VPL)和一名中央局职员.
  • 由于 削减预算, 许多学校办公室的职位被削减了50%或被取消, 中央办公室的工作人员正在承担额外的职责.
  • VPL duties are carried out by one member of the school office staff who has many other duties.


在全国范围内,每四个女孩中就有一个 & 六分之一的男孩在18岁之前遭受过性虐待. 通过这门课程, you will help protect children by learning to recognize 和 respond to sexual abuse.


仔细检讨我们的 网上义工手册 to learn about volunteer responsibilities, rights, 和 tips for successful volunteering. 


  • 志愿者申请是在线处理的. Every year SPS volunteers save 14 trees by completing 和/or updating their applications online. 谢谢你!! 
  • 一旦你被批准为我们在线系统的志愿者, your application materials will stay active for as long as you volunteer with SPS. 每两年一次, 我们会问你是否愿意保持活跃, 如果是这样的话, 请求你允许我再做一次背景调查.
  • 如果您在创建志愿者申请时遇到问题,请访问我们的 志愿者门户指南 的建议.

SPS致力于为学生提供一个安全的教育环境. This includes ensuring every volunteer 和 staff member completes an appropriate criminal background check.

  • SPS screens all volunteer applicants via the state criminal records database. This database is accessible to SPS for free via 华盛顿 State Patrol (WATCH). This background check is sufficient for all A类 volunteers who have lived in our state for three years.
  • WATCH不提供我们州以外的犯罪记录, 不幸的是, 联邦政府没有提供相应的数据库. 因此, A类 volunteers who have lived in other states or countries during the last three years must purchase their background check from our partner vendor, 斯特林志愿者——费用通常是21美元. 
  • If your volunteer role will involve spending unsupervised time with students (including as a remote/online volunteer), 或者你将陪同3天以上的夜间实地考察, you must complete the national background check even if you are a long-time resident of 华盛顿.
  • School staff also checks references for volunteers who will serve in one-on-one tutoring or 导师ing roles.


Every parent or caretaker should have the opportunity to participate in their student’s education. If you face barriers to completing the online background check, please review “背景调查负担能力” 查阅有关援助的资料.

  • If your state background check is clear, you will be notified immediately via email.
  • 如果你购买国家或国际背景调查, 你的成绩将直接从斯特林志愿者处收到, 通常在几天内.
  • If there are any records on your background check or your report shows possible duplicates (criminal records of other 华盛顿 State residents who have similar names to yours), the school volunteer program liaison will process your background check manually. 预计还需要一周的时间来处理. 

请注意虽然所有的志愿者都必须经过背景调查, a criminal history does not automatically disqualify an applicant from volunteering in the schools. If you would like to know if your criminal records 五月 affect your ability to volunteer with SPS, 请审阅这张流程图 学校用来决定学生的资格.


在你第一次轮班之前, the school volunteer program liaison must verify your identity in person (or through an online meeting for virtual volunteers). 请准备以下文件: 

  • 政府签发的带照片的身份证
  • If you did not complete the national (Sterling 志愿者s) background check AND your 华盛顿 State ID was issued less than 3 years ago, 请携带在华盛顿州居住3年的证明. 例如:旧的/过期的身份证,租赁协议,水电费账单,学校记录. Make sure this document was issued at least three years ago 和 features your full name 和 a 华盛顿 State address. 如果你的孩子在学校上学,办公室工作人员 五月 be able to review your child’s school registration records (not all staff have access to them). 

在最后一步中, if the school volunteer program liaison confirms your identity 和 verifies that you selected the correct background check type 关于志愿者申请, 他们会把你的名字加到那所学校被批准的志愿者名单上.

If you have questions about your application or background check,  call the school office or 给学校的志愿者项目联络员发邮件.

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